Sunday, March 21, 2010

Fertilization Report

The nurse from the embryology lab called this morning.  Out of the 8 eggs retrieved,  6 were mature.  Only 1 fertilized.


I'm disappointed.  I would be lying if I said I'm OK with the outcome.  I am quite shocked that only 1 of the 6 fertilized.  That is a 16.7% fertilization rate.

At my last IVF, we retrieved 12 eggs, and out of those, 8 were fertilized.  That was a 66.7% fertilization rate.  From that I only had 2 that made it to day-5 blastocysts.  Both were transfered, and we had none to freeze.  I got a BFN.

If I had 8 embies at my last IVF, and only 2 survived to day 5, what are the chances of 1 making it this time?

I still have hope that this one embie will make it.  It just has to.  I remember the story I read on the BabyCenter boards about the Golden Egg, where if I remember it right, this lady only had one egg retrieved, and it fertilized.  It was a so-so quality embryo, but it made it to transfer and she delivered a beautiful baby.  So it only takes one!

Will this embie be a Golden Embie?  I am hopeful.  But to be honest, I'm not too optimistic about it.

But yet, I continue to put my faith in God, and hang on to my favorite Bible verse that have given me strength over the last few years.

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future".

So I continue to hang on to the promise that God has plans for my Babe and I, plans to prosper us, and not to harm us.  Plans to give us hope and a future.  I have to remember that.  And I choose to believe that.

At church today, we had a couple, some friends of ours, pray with us.  They are aware of our TTC struggles, so it was really comforting to pray with them.  Both of them said they have a really good feeling, that they see a baby in our future.  Not sure if it's in the near future, as in this cycle, or later.  But it's still comforting.  I left church feeling a new sense of peace.  We also have a whole bunch of other church friends and my sister and her family lifting us up in prayer this whole time.  We are truly blest to have so many people praying for us.

This afternoon, my Babe and I were joking about baby names for our future kids.  I know it is WAY too early to even discuss baby names, but we were goofing around and having a great time.  We have never discussed baby names before this, EVER.  It is something that we just avoided because we have been disappointed for such a long time.   So this was something new for us.  It was quite refreshing actually. Somehow, it was uplifting, to discuss something that gives us so much hope.  I think we may have agreed on a boy's name, but of course we are not sharing that yet.  When I suggested it, my Babe's reaction was "that's a good name".  That was good enough for me because it has always been my favorite name.  We'll see..... we may change our minds.

I should be getting another call from the embryology lab on Tuesday about the status of my embies, and information about my transfer.  But I may call the clinic tomorrow anyway to see if I can find out more information about the progress of my embies from the last couple of days.  I'll see what they say about doing a day-3 transfer instead of a day-5.

Please continue to pray for my Little Embie, yes I'm naming him/her.  Pray that Little Embie will continue to multiply and grow strong, and develop to a strong little blastocyst for transfer.


  1. I'm Little Embie continues to grow strong for transfer!

  2. I'm praying for you and your Golden Embie...xoxoxo

  3. I'm praying for you and little embie!!

  4. Prayers for you and lil Embie!!!

  5. Praying for Little Embie/Golden Egg!! Your positive spirit is enlightening!! What a blessing. And don't say it's too early to discuss names, I started (long before hubby would even think abou it) and good thing b/c we couldn't agree on a girl name for our lives!! So enjoy it, you WILL have a baby and you will need a name! Keep up the happy positive thoughts!!

  6. i'm so sorry! (((huge hugs!)))

    but yes, it truly only takes one golden egg. i know several people who are pregnant after a single embryo transfer. it *will* happen! i have hope and optimism for you! i'll keep you and Little Embie in my thoughts and prayers!

  7. I am pulling for that "Little Embie"!! Sending good thoughts your way.

  8. Just said a prayer!

    During my IVF I only had 2 embies....and the re transferred day 3 instead of day 5.

  9. Praying that this little Embie grows and grows, and that all goes well with the transfer.

  10. Let's go Embie - keep growing, strong and healthy! Prayers are coming your way!

  11. Pulling for your Little Embie!!!
    Happy ICLW

  12. Many prayers going up tonight for your little embie! And also many prayers going up for you and your husband. I know how the next few days will feel, and I pray for your peace of mind and heart. He does have good things planned for all of us! That is my favorite verse, and it has brought me so much comfort! It only takes ONE! :) Grow embie grow!

    Thinking of you, Amy

  13. i'm adding my prayers to your list of prayer warriors!!!! i commit to praying daily for your golden little embie:D

    may God's glory be made known, may His peace rest on your shoulders. :D may golden little embie be strong.

  14. Matt and I are praying for and Little Embie!

  15. Hoping that this Little Embie is your future first born! Everything crossed for u!

  16. Prayers for you, Babe and Little Embie!!!

  17. I'll be thinking of your and your Little Embie! Fertilization rates seem totally random, but a poor response is so disheartening. I had NO embryos last cycle. :-(

  18. I'm thinking of you and praying for your sweet Little Embie. Sending peace your way, I know these next few days will be tough. I love the Bible verse you posted, I will be printing that and holding it tight in my hand during my transfer (tomorrow!). Thank you for your beautiful blog, you have a ton of support out here in cyberspace.

    *We have been throwing around names too. ;)

  19. Hold onto only takes one! Thinking of you and Little Embie :)


  20. You and Little Embie are in my payers!! Keep growing little golden Embie!!! Keep thinking positive thoughts and remember that miracles happen every day... I hope yours is just a few days away!!

  21. Prayers for you and Little Embie!!!
    I'm envisioning great things from him or her!!!

  22. I don't know you but have loved reading about your journey, I will be praying for you. Nothing happens outside of the will of God. A fact that I have tried hard to remember!

  23. Matt 18:19-20 You definitely have more than 2 or 3. Praying for God's perfect will to be done in your & Babe's lives. We're praying that Little Embie would grow & grow and will be the long-awaited Baby!

  24. It does only take one! I'm praying that this little embie is the ONE!!

    Happy ICLW!

  25. Hoping with everything I have this is your golden embie!! It only takes ONE, and praying this little embie is it! Thinking of you.

  26. Sorry to hear this, but hoping that one is the only one you need. Did they do ICSI? Maybe that's something to look into in the future??

  27. I agree with the others above that maybe you should look into ICSI for the next IVF if you didn't do it this time. I'll be praying for you and Little Embie.

    ICLW #33

  28. I hope this is the little embie that could!!!


  29. (((HUGS)))and prayers !

    ICLW #57

  30. praying for you little embie!!
    hopefully this will be it!


  31. One is all it takes! Praying not only for this one embryo, but that God will continue to bring you and your dh peace and to embrace the awesome plan that He has for your lives. You know that Jeremiah 29:11 is also my favorite verse! Hold onto that promise!

  32. Praying that this Little Embie is "the one"!!
