Saturday, May 22, 2010

Pac Man's 30th Anniversary

Did you hear?  It's Pac Man's 30th Anniversary.  In honor of that, Google embedded the game directly into it's logo on it's website ( .

Go check it out.  You can actually play the game on the logo.  Just click on the "Insert Coin" button.  You can even do 2 players!  Just click on the button twice for 2 player mode. Use the arrow keys for moving around, and if playing 2 players, use the WASD keys to move Ms. Pac Man.

I get a chuckle out of it..... even comes with the original annoying sounds.

Don't miss it.  You can only play it through the weekend.  Enjoy!

p/s This is really making me feel old!


  1. OMG! This makes me feel old too! I remember playing this and frog.ger on the a.tari!

  2. I played WAY too much of this yesterday, hahah!

    ICLW #129

  3. me too. sigh, at least we can say we got in on video games when they were new!!! hahaha

  4. I loved Pac-Man. Sweet memories.

  5. I am 35 and grew up loving PACMAN and thought I was pretty good at it too...Oh, the memories!I love how google celebrates various events and people -

    I just took a glance at your profile and noticed that you have been through IUI and now deciding on the right time for IVF. I am going to be starting my 3rd IUI attempt with injectibles...Wishing you luck in whatever you decide to do!

    ICLW (#82)

  6. I didn't realize you could play it on the page! Now I have something to distract me at work :).

    I hope you get your BFP soon!

    ICLW #81

  7. Crazy isn't it? I remember playing pac man for hours with my cousin when I was in elementary school. I'm getting old.

  8. I played it and it was like a blast from the past!


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