Saturday, August 31, 2013

Supplements Galore!

Last week Who.le Foo.ds had a 25% off of all their supplements.  I had been researching prenatal vitamins and found that New Chapter and Vitamin Code has the best review (from what I found).  Plus I also had a handful of $8 off coupons for New Chapter, so I took advantage of that too.  With such I great deal, I couldn't help but picked up a whole bunch of them.   Now I have enough prenatal vitamins to last me almost 7 months!  

At first, I wasn't sure if I should pick up that many bottles of prenatals.  What if this transfer doesn't work?  Would I want to have that many prenatals sitting around?  Oh well, I figured if this doesn't work, then we will probably go back and try another round.  Or two.  So 7 months worth is probably fine.

In addition, I also picked up some raw probiotics from Vitamin Code (with $5 off coupon), and some calcium.  I'm currently only taking prenatals and vitamin D, but will add calcium soon.  

What supplements did/are you taking for your FETs/IVFs/pregnancies?  Did anyone take baby aspirin?  

On another note, my period finally arrived today.  Thank goodness!


  1. I am taking baby aspirin this round. I know shannon takes baby aspirin too. Kayie said they do recommend it to patients but it does not hurt anything

  2. I always take a prenatal multi, extra folic acid (5mg), 1000mg vitamin C, and 81 mg of baby aspirin (for a known thrombophilia). When pregnant, I take fragmin, vitamin D and extra calcium as well.

  3. I take prenatals and 800mcg of folic acid. I also take an RX of Vit D since I am very deficient. Since I got a BFP I will be upping my calcium as well. My last EA baby destroyed my teeth and I don't want that to happen again.
