Monday, November 30, 2009

Babies Galore... None of which are mine!

You know how it feels like when you hear another one of your brothers/sisters/in-laws/cousins/friends/neighbors/co-workers/(*fill in the blank*) announce that they are pregnant?

Well today, I decided to sit down and count the number of babies that have been born since we started TTC.  It's amazing how many new additions there have been to the human race for the last 6 years, and these are just of family and friends, not including acquaintances and long lost high school friends (thanks Facebook!).

Since February 2004 the following babies have been born to DH and I:
Immediate Family
  Nieces: 5
  Nephews: 1
Extended Family
  Girls: 5
  Boys: 7 
  Girls: 18
  Boys: 19

That's a grand total of 55 babies!!

Babies Adopted: 3 (2 boys, 1 girl)
People Currently Expecting: 2

That's a heck of a lot of BABIES!!  These are only the ones I can think of right now.  I'm sure I'll think of more later.

Unfortunately, none of them are mine.

A couple of years ago, I jokingly said to DH that if another person tells us they are expecting, I'm going to the spa!  He didn't think that was very funny, especially with our track record.   Maybe I should cash in on some of those long overdue spa trips.


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