Monday, March 17, 2014

Our New Donor Family

On Monday, we found out that our new donor family accepted our match.

On the same day, we found out that Debbie had already reached out to the donor couple to start communications to start working on our Open Donation Agreement (ODA).

On Tuesday, we put our check for the ODA in the mail to Debbie.  Found out she was speaking with them the next day .

On Wednesday, I spent about an hour on the phone Debbie finding out more about the donor family.  I'm excited about this donor family.  This couple has 3 children, a little 2 year old boy and a set of boy/girl twins.  I'm happy to find out that this family has very similar background with us in terms of occupation, education and family values.  Seems like we also desire the same level of openness.

On Friday, we received a draft copy of the ODA between us and our new donor family.  We reviewed it over the weekend.  It is very similar to what we had with one of our previous donors, so we are pretty comfortable with it.

Today, we OK'd the ODA with Debbie.  I'm assuming we will be receiving a copy of the ODA to be notarized fairly soon this week, unless the donor family has questions or need come changes to the ODA.

Things are moving along nicely.


  1. This is such great news! I'm so happy the ball is rolling so quickly and that you guys are such a good match. God is working everything out so perfectly! XOXO

    Mel @

  2. How wonderful to hear that things are moving forward swiftly and smoothly. Praying for the transfer date that will surely come quickly. :)

  3. So glad things are moving along for you!

  4. Yay! That's great that they accepted you guys. I hope things continue to move along!! I love hearing the progress you're making!

  5. That is great!. This is the transfer for you I know it.

  6. Glad to hear that things are moving forward!!

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