Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Weird Dream

I woke up to a weird dream this morning.  I will be having my surgery to remove my polyp a next Thursday.  My surgery is scheduled for 10:30 am, so I have to check in at the hospital at 8:30 am.

I dreamt that it was the morning of my surgery.  I overslept and woke up at 9.  I was frantic because there was no way I could make it to the hospital in time.  I was going to miss my surgery!   For crying out loud, now I would have to cancel my November transfer!  I don't remember if I even tried calling to hospital to work things out.  I just remember feeling frantic and angry that my transfer was going to be cancelled again.

What is the deal with my dreams?  Like Babe said, most of my dreams involve me being in frantic situations.  Why can't I just have happy dreams that I wake up with a smile on my face?


  1. Yikes, I've had dreams like that too! And it's funny, most of the time it's with me oversleeping and missing something! Good luck with your surgery. You're going to do great and all will be well. :) Thinking of you!

  2. Does that mean you'll have to set your alarm clock for extra early for fear of waking up late? haha. I hope it all goes well. :)

  3. Just preparing you for the bizarre pregnancy dreams you'll be having in the not-so-distant future! ;)

    Good luck with the surgery. Thinking of you!

  4. Worries and fears always seem to pop up in my dreams too. Hope your surgery goes off without complications!

  5. Before our transfer I had a dream that I was back in school and I had completely forgotten about one of my classes so I didn't attend it all semester... then all of the sudden I was at the final! Maybe frantic dreams are a good sign ;)

  6. Stopping by from ICLW. I've had those kinds of dreams!

  7. I guess dreams tend to reveal our more or less subconscious fears. I will keep my fingers crossed for your surgery!

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