Thursday, September 5, 2013

Donor Fees Surprise

I received an email from NEDC's accountant today about the donor fees that are due at our transfer on 9/22.  These fees are for embryo shipping, legal, counseling, storage and lab work relating to the cost of getting the embryos to NEDC.

The fees for our first donor is $775, and the second is $77.

I was a little shocked at the cost of the donor fees!  I wasn't expecting it to cost that much.  For some reason I was only expecting it to be between $200 and $300 per donor.  Not even sure where I got that number from but that was what I was expecting.  So the $775 was a shocker.   Also, the second donor's fee is only $77.  That's quite a huge difference between the 2 donors.  There can be many factors for the difference in cost, though I am not sure what.  I think I may ask the clinic about this.

We will only be responsible for the fees of the donor that embryos are thawed from for our transfer.  So, if we only thaw embryos from one family, we will not need to pay the fees for the second family.  In our case, we would be paying the $775 for 3 embryos, and potentially pay the $77 for the remaining 5.

To be honest, it makes me second guess our decision to switch the order of our embryos.  Now we are paying the higher fees for our first donor. I hate that money has such a huge impact on our decisions!

But in the end, it's just money.  If it works, it will all be worth it.  Plus if we end up having to use both donors, it will only be an additional $77, averaging out to be around $426 per donor.  That's not too bad right?

If you did a donated or adopted FET (frozen embryo transfer), what did you end up paying for the donor fees?

On another note, I sent the big check for our embryo transfer fee in the mail on Tuesday.  Looks like we are all paid up here, and only have to worry about the donor fees now, which is due on the day of the transfer.

Also, I checked with the Katie, the NEDC nurse and found out that at my baseline appointment on Friday, my lining was 4mm, and my estradiol level was less than 12.  Not sure what the numbers were required to be, but I was good to start Es.trace.


  1. For my first FET, I had to pay around $200 in donor fees. For my second and third FETs, our chosen profiles had no additional fees. I am not really sure why some profiles have such high fees and others don't...?

  2. I don't remember the specific amounts but I remember being surprised at the high amount for one of our sets of embryos. Then, like you, we had some backups that the fees were much less. I think it all depends on whether the donating couple passes on the fees to the NEDC or not.

  3. sorry for the sticker shock. :( Wonderful news on lining!
