Thursday, January 30, 2014

Beta In The Morning

This is it.  It all comes down to this.  My beta test is tomorrow morning at 9:40 am CST.  The clinic will take my blood, send it to the lab, and fax the results to NEDC.  So I probably won't hear from Katie with the official results until about 3 pm in the afternoon.

I've been nervous about my beta, but for the first time I am not only nervous but actually stressed out about this.

I know I should be positive/optimistic about this transfer.  Odds are in my favor this time.  I can't remember the exact pregnancy rate at NEDC but it's close to 50%.  Since it didn't work last time, odds are in my favor this time, right?

It's hard to tell if I am even close to being pregnant.  Before my last chemical pregnancy in November, I had never been pregnant before.  At least in November I had some implantation spotting.  Nothing this time.  I don't feel pregnant.  I don't feel anything.

There is a lot at stake here.  If I am not pregnant from this transfer, there are a lot of things that will need to happen.
  1. We have 2 embryos left.  That means we need to be matched with another donor family as NEDC wants us to have at least 5 or 6 embryos on hand during a transfer, in case some of the embryos do not survive the thaw.
  2. That means we will need another ODA (open donation agreement) with the new donor family.  That means it will take more time and additional fees for the ODA.
  3. We will have to wait till May to do the next transfer because of selecting the new family and the time needed to work with the new family on the new ODA.
  4. Because NEDC requires everyone to have a current home study, we will have to update our home study as our current one expires in April.  Not sure how long that will take.  And of course additional time and fees.
Sigh...... I know I should not be worried.  Or stressed.

I know that again, God is in control, and whatever happens, He's got it.  He has a plan for me.  I just need to let go and trust.

Please pray for my beta result, and for peace and patience during the wait.  Pray also for safety as tomorrow we are under a winter storm warning, with 1 - 5 inches of snow expected during the morning rush hour.  Just in time for my drive to the clinic.



  1. All the best! And aren't you just sick to death of winter this year? Ugh- I hope your drive is a safe one!

  2. I'm curious, if you have two embryo's left, why didn't they thaw those two and transfer??

    I am thinking of you this morning. Safe travels. Please update as soon as you can. Lots of prayers and positve vibes to you!!

  3. Saying lots of prayers for a positive beta!!! Don't let your lack of symptoms get you down. Every one is differenet and every pregnancy is different. Best wishes for you!!

  4. Praying so hard for you. The waiting is the worst part

  5. Praying for outstanding numbers for you!

  6. Am sending positive vibes your way! And hoping the weather cooperates and you stay safe. Leave plenty early! We had 5 inches fall this am and because of it I missed my IVF consult with my RE.

  7. Stalking! And praying! I did not feel ONE.BIT.PREGNANT with Matthew or Luke. Trey/twin either, but at least with him, I was really suffering OHSS and had an inkling. Seriously...I did not think ANY were positive and ALL were. So hopeful and prayerful for you!!! xoxoxoxoxo

  8. Did you get your beta results? I hope it's positive!

  9. I am so HAPPY for ya'll!! I have been praying for you guys and for you to be pregnant in God's timing! YAY!! So, my friend is about to deliver triplets and her betas were all relatively "low" normal, as in 159!!! for the first BETA, so those numbers can be tricky. My first was over 400 so I thought maybe I had triplet, but no, just twins. So how can a triplet mama have 159? Dunno. The numbers range so crazy! Oh, and the way you described your stomach feeling, I got that the fist few weeks of pregnancy. I was super nauseated the whole first trimester, but a lot of times the feeling in queasy/hungry. :) Hoping that is a sign!

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