Monday, January 20, 2014

We Have A Transfer Time!

Katie the NEDC nurse called around 2:30 pm with our transfer time.  I was getting a little nervous as it was getting late.

Our transfer is scheduled for 12:45 pm EST tomorrow (Tuesday). 

I will take my Va.lium, albuterol tablets and 600 mg of ibuprofen at 11:45 am.  We check in at NEDC at 12:15 pm.  I hope I do a better job filling my bladder this time.  At the last transfer in November, my bladder wasn't full enough so Dr. Keenan had to fill it with saline solution using a catheter.  Not the most pleasant experience.  This time the transfer is a little later so hopefully I will do a better job. 

The embryos will be thawed sometime in the morning.  Please pray that the embryos survive the thaw. We currently have 5 embryos from the donor family and plan to transfer two.  Pray that they only need to thaw 2 and both will survive.  If not, pray that we have at least 2 excellent quality embryos to transfer. 

I am finally getting excited about this.  We are here in Knoxville and will finally get to meet our babies for the first time. 

Prayers for our transfer tomorrow is most appreciated!!


  1. Praying!!!! I can't wait to read your update when I get home from work this evening. Blessings to you all!!!!

  2. Thinking of you today and will be saying lots of prayers for you!!! Good luck!!!!

  3. Praying that you'll only need the first two.

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