Thursday, July 7, 2011

Free from Bedrest

In about an hour, I will be done with my 48 hours of bedrest after transfer.  Though it's been pretty tough to stay laying down most of the time, I'm glad I was able to just slack off, take long naps, sleep late and just lay around watching TV and movies.  One movie that I did watch that I really enjoyed was "The Switch" starring Jennifer Aniston and Jason Bateman.  Not that I'm a huge fan of Aniston but in the spirit of "having a baby"  I thought it would be fun to watch it.  And it was a great movie, I really enjoyed it.  Of course, not really realistic, but pretty funny and sweet.

In a couple of hours, I will be going back to work.  It will be interesting since I've been off work for 5.5 days (Sat - Thurs PM).  I was supposed to have my transfer on Monday, was going to "try to work from home" on Wednesday.  Since out transfer got postponed to Tuesday, and I had to be on bedrest for 48 hours, I can't go back to work until later this afternoon.  It will be interesting.  We are so swamped right now, and I am so behind.  I was going to try to work from home yesterday and this morning, but decided to screw it.  In the bigger picture, it's just work.  Who cares.  My personal life is much more important right now.  I will deal with the consequences of work later.


  1. I agree, take as much time as you need. I was angry at myself my first IVF cycle when I went back to teaching before I was ready. My head wasn't in the game and I felt guilty for not resting and giving my embies a chance. By the way how are you feeling? Any cramping?

  2. It's nice to just lounge around like that and take it easy for a few days. I am in need of just a mental day off, but that won't be happening any time soon.

    So glad you got to rest after transfer! You are right, work will always be there. Put your health and your family first!

  3. Rest first. Work will NEVER finish. You got your priorities right.

  4. Glad you are taking care of yourself. No one ever said at the end of their life that they wished they had worked more.

  5. Take care of yourself and remain positive!!!
